Using great microphones and getting the set up right at the front end makes everything else a lot easier. Combining science and audio engineering principles with feeling and passion makes the recording process flow easily. I’ve been lucky to record in some great spaces with some great people and that’s what everything distills down to. People. It’s inspiring, fun, challenging and rewarding to be part of a great recording.
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Once you have captured the performance right you can spend less time mixing and editing. This keeps the original performance true and saves time. You can be creative, you can cut, paste, repeat trim and process. The mix is all about listening and giving dynamics and space to the sound stage. Then again you might just want to crush the hell out of it and generate the modern flatline experience.
Sound Design
Ever wondered how they create that sound as someone’s head hits the dashboard in the car that has been totalled? Or thought how is it possible that tyre screech just happened on a dirt road with no asphalt tar or solid material in sight? Wondered why you have such an uneasy feeling underlying scenes in the horror movie your’e watching? It’s probably someone dragging a dead body over a microphone.
Okay to Drive